Spring Batch — Process Data and enrichment involving External API Calls — Performance ImpactSpring batch is the de-facto choice whenever bulk data needs to be read, processed and written to some systems. Batch processing the data…Mar 31, 2024Mar 31, 2024
ConditionalOnProperty annotation in Spring BootIn spring boot applications, sometimes it is required to have different configurations, beans etc. in different environments or it is…Mar 29, 2024Mar 29, 2024
Logging using Spring AOPAPI performance is very important aspect of any Spring Boot application with REST APIs. Logging help us to evaluate the API and associated…Sep 6, 20231Sep 6, 20231
Spring SchedulerIn today’s world we deal with high volume of transactions. Here many of the transactions need not run immediately. Running such…Sep 3, 2023Sep 3, 2023
Kafka Consumer — Spring KafkaKafka is widely used technology to implement event driven architecture. It is a distributed publish-subscribe(pub-sub) messaging system…Aug 15, 2023Aug 15, 2023
Intro to GitHub ActionsGitHub is very popular git repository hosting platform. It has many features to ease the collaboration. Today we will go through one such…Apr 14, 2023Apr 14, 2023
CouchDB queries (Rich Queries) in HLFHyperledger Fabric (HLF) allows us to use CouchDB as the state database instead of default golevel database. There are many advantages of…Aug 3, 2022Aug 3, 2022
Query System ChainCode (QSCC) in Hyperledger Fabric (HLF)System chaincodes are special chaincodes running as part of peer process itself instead of user chaincodes(which usually run as separate…Jul 27, 2022Jul 27, 2022
Introduction to DAMLDAML (Digital Asset Modelling Language) is an open-source smart contract language that allows the implementation of business logic without…May 31, 2022May 31, 2022
PostgreSQL-based DAML Ledger ImplementationThis article explains how to setup postgres database as the DAML ledger using community edition DAML driver for PostgreSQL provided by the…Feb 1, 2022Feb 1, 2022